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Field Inspection Services

Field Inspector – Working in the Field Inspection Industry

Are you looking for a work at home job that allows you the flexibility to create your own schedule and get out of the house, field inspection just might be the perfect job for you.

Field inspectors complete inspection jobs for mortgage companies, banks and insurance agencies. Believe it or not, there is not much required training to get work as a field inspector.

Many firms offer their own training packet with their own set of rules and procedures. They will also provide the forms you will need and any other required materials for each inspection.

To complete most field inspection jobs – you will only need a cell phone, a computer, a scanner or fax machine, a digital camera and it is very beneficial to have high speed internet.

For property inspections you will be emailed an address to visit along with a form that has questions on the type of property and the condition that it is currently in.

Typically, field inspectors are given a window of 24-48 hours to complete their drive by inspections and get all the photos and information required on the property.

It is always a good idea to get a few more photos than were requested; this way you have multiple angles and viewpoints to offer the company that is paying you to complete the inspection.

In certain cases the companies will want to find out if the residence is vacant or occupied. Some companies will request, and pay more, for you to make contact with the resident of a property to get updated information for their records.

With the recent wave of people defaulting on their home and auto loans, many of these companies requesting inspections are mortgage or loan companies are just trying to locate the property or vehicle involved in the loan.

Insurance inspections are usually a piece of cake. Many times the only thing you are required to do is to call the insured person or company and set up an appointment with them.

Most if not all of these field inspections require photos, so a digital camera is a must.

If you are interested in becoming a field inspector, you can get more information by visiting Field Inspection

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